World Wide Web(WWW)

4 min readNov 23, 2022


Credits: Author Edit

Millions of people utilise the world wide web, where you are reading this article or exploring the internet. For everything imaginable, including checking the news, the weather, ordering meals, purchasing items, scheduling taxis, and most crucially conversing or establishing a social connection. These days, it’s also used for exchanging money electronically, trading, and other things. We utilise all of these while using our computers, phones, watches, and even our automobiles. Though it’s always present and all around us, what exactly does WWW stand for?

What is WWW?

According to wiki..

The World Wide Web (WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system enabling documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Internet.[1]

First off, the internet is not the world wide web. Even though people frequently confuse the two terms. When the internet initially started, computers actually made direct phone calls to one another. The internet is simply the method computers communicate to and connect with one another in order to share information. Today, networks are all around us, enabling seamless computer communication. There are several users of the communication methods made possible by the internet, such as email, file transmission, and conferences. However, accessing the world wide web is the most typical usage. Imagine the web as a collection of towers, each one standing in for a web server, a machine that is always linked to the internet and is intended to store and distribute information. When someone launches a website, they are renting a space in one of these towers and stocking it with data in an accessible manner. Webhosts are the individuals that own these buildings and charge rent in them, but anybody can put up a web server with the correct tools and a little bit of know-how. Without a website, we would be lost in the city unable to locate what we need. This is only one aspect of having a website.

Image Credit: google Images

This is the website address, which consists of domain names. Just as with a physical address (, a website address enables you to get where you want to. Web languages like HTML and JavaScript are used to store the data on the webpages. When we locate the website we’re looking for, our web browser can translate all of the site’s code into text, images, and videos. The web browser generates a graphic interface for us, so we don’t need to be experts in any specific computer languages. As a result, in many respects, the world wide web is a large virtual metropolis where people interact and communicate using web-based languages with the help of browsers. And just as nobody owns a city, nobody owns the web either. Everyone is welcome to come in and establish up shop because it is our property. We could have to pay a hosting firm to rent site space, an internet service provider to grant access, or a registration to reserve our web address. These businesses offer essential services, much like city utilities, but ultimately, not even they control the web. However, the name of the web itself is what truly sets it apart.

Image Credit: Author Edit

We used to consume the majority of information in a linear method before the web. We read each sentence in a book or newspaper article page by page, beginning to end. Up till the conclusion, in a straight line. However, it is not how our brains truly function. Each of our ideas is connected, loosely connected, like a web, to other thoughts, memories, and emotions. The world wide web was created by Tim Berners-Lee, who saw the need for an approach to information organizing that replicated this order in nature. The web achieves this through hyperlinks. Hyperlinks enable the web to function in a similar way to how human thoughts work by connecting various pages inside a website or even rerouting you to other websites to expand on information or ideas when you meet them. The reason the web is such a significant aspect of our lives is because it represents both our individual thoughts and the larger society in its structure and content. It bridges the gaps between those brains.


On the closing note, I would say World Wide Web a great asset of today world, is something that we used to communicate with internet in exchange of some trade-off. By the way, if you are reading this line you might have exchanged what WWW stands for with WWW.




👋Greetings, I am Venkatesh Tantravahi, your friendly tech wizard. By day, I am a grad student in CIS at SUNY, by night a data nerd turning ☕️🧑‍💻 and 😴📝