Unlocking the Black Box: LIME and SHAP in the Realm of Explainable AI

7 min readDec 31, 2023


Principles of Explainable AI(Source)

Imagine a world where artificial intelligence (AI) not only makes decisions but also explains them as clearly as a human expert. This isn’t a scene from a sci-fi movie; it’s the emerging reality of Explainable AI (XAI). But how do we make these complex AI models, often deemed as ‘black boxes,’ transparent and understandable? Enter LIME and SHAP, the twin torchbearers lighting the way to a future of comprehensible and accountable AI.

In this article, we embark on a captivating journey to demystify the inner workings of AI decision-making. We’ll delve into the enigmatic world of classification problems and how frameworks like LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) and SHAP (Shapley Additive Explanations) are revolutionizing our understanding of AI.

So, whether you’re an AI professional, a student of machine learning, or simply an AI enthusiast, this article promises to equip you with a deeper understanding of how AI thinks and decides. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together, unraveling the mysteries of AI, one explanation at a time.

What is Explainable AI?

It is a research field on ML interpretability technique whose aims are to understand machine learning model predictions and explain them in a human understandable terms to build trust with stakeholders.

Unlike traditional ‘black box’ AI models that offer little insight into their inner workings, XAI seeks to open up these black boxes, enabling users to comprehend, trust, and effectively manage AI systems.

Trade-offs between Explainability and Interpretability in AI


Explainability in AI refers to the ability of a model to provide understandable explanations of its functioning and decisions to a human user. It’s about transparency and clarity in how the model operates.

  • Key Aspect — ‘What’ of AI Decisions: Explainability focuses on answering the ‘What’ in AI decisions. For instance, if an AI model rejects a loan application, explainability would involve the model detailing what factors (like credit score, income level) led to this decision.
  • User-Friendly Communication: An explainable AI model should be able to communicate its decision-making process in a way that is easily comprehensible to humans, regardless of their technical expertise. This might involve using visual aids, simple language, or analogies.
  • Importance in User Trust and Adoption: When users can understand what an AI system is doing and on what basis it makes decisions, they are more likely to trust and accept it. Explainability is crucial in sensitive applications like healthcare, finance, or legal, where understanding AI decisions is paramount.


Interpretability takes a step further into the realm of AI, focusing on the ‘Why’ behind the AI’s decisions. It’s about understanding the internal mechanics and logic of the model.

  • Unveiling the ‘Why’ of Decisions: If an AI system denies a loan, interpretability seeks to understand why these particular factors (like credit score or income) are crucial in the decision-making process. It’s about grasping the underlying causal relationships and logic.
  • Insight into Model Mechanics: Interpretability involves digging into the algorithm’s structure and workings. It’s about understanding how different inputs are weighed, how features interact, and how the model’s logic flows from input to output.
  • Critical for Model Development and Improvement: For AI developers and data scientists, interpretability is key to refining and improving models. By understanding why a model behaves a certain way, they can make informed adjustments, identify biases, and enhance performance.

Balancing Explainability and Interpretability

  • Tailoring to Audience: The focus on explainability or interpretability often depends on the audience. End-users might need more explainability, while developers and data scientists might delve into interpretability.
  • Complexity vs. Clarity: There’s often a trade-off between a model’s complexity and its explainability/interpretability. Simpler models are generally more interpretable, but might not always deliver the highest accuracy.
  • Ethical and Legal Implications: Both concepts are integral to ethical AI practices. They ensure that AI systems are not just effective but also fair, accountable, and devoid of hidden biases.

The Evolution and Importance of XAI in Industry

XAI Search Trends over time(Author Created from Google Trends Data)

Historical Context:

  • Early AI Models: Initially, AI models were simpler and more transparent, but as they’ve evolved, they’ve become more complex and less interpretable.
  • The Shift to XAI: The need for XAI emerged as AI began to play a critical role in high-stakes domains like healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles, where understanding AI decisions is crucial.

Industry Impact:

  • Risk Management: In industries like banking, XAI helps in assessing and mitigating risks associated with AI-driven decisions.
  • Compliance and Ethics: With increasing regulatory scrutiny, such as GDPR, XAI aids in ensuring compliance and promoting ethical AI practices.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: In sectors like healthcare, XAI provides insights into AI diagnoses or treatment recommendations, aiding medical professionals in decision-making.

Why it’s important understanding models behavior?

Model Understanding for Stakeholders(author edit)

Understanding model’s behavior helps us

  • Explaining predictions to support decision making process.
  • Debug unexpected behavior from a model.
  • Refine modelling and data collection process.
  • Verify that the model’s behavior is acceptable.
  • Present the model’s predictions to stakeholders.

Unraveling the Mystery of Explainable AI (XAI) Methods

XAI Methods (Source)

Imagine you’re a detective trying to understand how a decision-making machine, an AI model, reaches its conclusions. In the world of XAI, you have two main approaches at your disposal: model-specific and model-agnostic methods. Each of these is like a different set of tools in your detective kit, designed for different types of cases (or models).

Model-Specific Methods: The Customized Tools

  • The Scene: You’re faced with a specific type of AI model. Maybe it’s a neural network or a decision tree. You need tools that are made just for this type.
  • The Approach: Model-specific methods are like custom-made gadgets. They are designed to work intricately with the specific architecture of a model. You can see the inner workings, almost like having a blueprint of the model.
  • The Insights: Using these tools, you can get detailed insights. For instance, with a decision tree, you can actually visualize the decision paths.
  • Example: Visualizing the layers and neurons in a neural network to understand how image recognition works.
  • The Catch: These tools are great, but they only work for the model they are designed for.

Model-Agnostic Methods: The Versatile Toolkit

  • The Scene: Now, you’re dealing with a variety of models, and you need a more versatile tool.
  • The Approach: Model-agnostic methods are like a Swiss Army knife. They are not tied to any model architecture, making them flexible and universally applicable.
  • The Insights: These methods provide a broader, more generalized understanding. You might not see the blueprint, but you’ll understand the outcomes and influences.
  • Examples: LIME and SHAP
  • LIME: Like a microscope, it zooms in on individual predictions, dissecting them to show you what influenced each decision. It’s great for those ‘aha’ moments on specific cases. Read more about LIME.
  • SHAP: This is like a satellite view, giving you an overall picture of how features impact the model’s decisions across many cases. It’s perfect for seeing the big picture. Explore SHAP further.

Introducing LIME and SHAP: Your XAI Sidekicks

LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations)

  • Role: LIME is your go-to when you need to understand why a model made a specific decision for a specific instance. It’s like having a translator for the model’s language, turning complex decisions into understandable reasons.
  • How it Works: LIME tweaks inputs slightly (like changing a few pixels in an image) and observes how the model’s predictions change. This helps in pinpointing what exactly influenced the decision.

SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations)

  • Role: When you need a comprehensive view of what features generally have the most impact on the model’s decisions, SHAP is your aerial view. It allocates a fair ‘importance value’ to each feature.
  • How it Works: SHAP uses game theory, treating each feature as a ‘player’ in a game, to understand their contribution to the outcome. It’s about fairness and contribution in the model’s decision-making process.

Let’s Get our hands dirty:

Practical Approach for lime and shap (Source)


As we draw the curtains on our journey through the realms of XAI, let’s not forget that while machines are learning to explain themselves, they still have a long way to go before they can match the storytelling prowess of humans. Through LIME and SHAP, we’ve given them a voice, albeit a robotic one. We’ve delved into the ones and zeros to unearth the ‘whys’ behind the ‘whats’, and along the way, we’ve demystified the AI crystal ball, turning murkiness into clarity, one feature at a time. As we continue to peel back the layers of these intelligent enigmas, let’s do so with a sense of humor, because sometimes the explanations might seem as whimsical as a weather forecast promising sunshine in the midst of a downpour. Who knows? In the not-so-distant future, we might just find ourselves sitting across from an AI at a comedy club, laughing at the absurdity of our own algorithms. Until then, keep exploring, keep questioning, and let the machines keep talking.

Further Study about lime and shap:

  1. LIME Paper: “Why Should I Trust You?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier by Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh, and Carlos Guestrin.
  2. SHAP Paper: A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions by Scott M. Lundberg and Su-In Lee.
  3. Interpretable Machine Learning: Interpretable Machine Learning by Christoph Molnar.
  4. SHAP GitHub Repository: SHAP on GitHub which contains the code, examples, and documentation.
  5. Distill.pub Article: A Guide to the Nature of Explanation in Machine Learning with interactive visualizations.
  6. Explanatory Model Analysis Book: Explanatory Model Analysis which explores tools and techniques for model interpretation.

WRITER at MLearning.ai / New York Times vs. AI / The Best 2023 AI




👋Greetings, I am Venkatesh Tantravahi, your friendly tech wizard. By day, I am a grad student in CIS at SUNY, by night a data nerd turning ☕️🧑‍💻 and 😴📝